The Best Way to Manage Agile Software Development Projects

The Best Way to Manage Agile Software Development Projects

Have you ever wondered what the advantages of Agile are and why so many professional managers are interested? Managers will tell you about Agile or a few new variants like Scrum and Kanban if you ask them about project management. 

The benefits of Agile may be exaggerated, but this methodology truly assists software development teams in sprinting projects and delivering greater goods to clients. So, in this article, UpDigram will present you with The 9 Most Important Advantages of Agile Software Development.

Read more: Agile & Scrum, truly assists

How do you define Agile Software Development?

Agile software development entails dividing huge software projects into claw development periods known as Sprints (each sprint lasts two to four weeks). During which teams build specific features and deliver templates to clients.

Consumers judge the change and provide feedback, which the team incorporates before moving on to the next features. This frequent input, similar to the taste testing you conduct when making a delicious dish, shows you how to enhance the program to satisfy client demands.

Create new Package - UpDiagram

Add New Packages On Grid View

Read more: huge software projects, Sprints

What are the Advantages of Agile Software Development?

So here are the top nine advantages of Manage Agile Software development:
– Greater adaptability
– Continuous enhancement
– Improve teamwork 
– Boosts motivation
– Metrics that are relevant for data-driven choices
– Improvements in project predictability and control
– Enhances product quality
– Increased client satisfaction
– Greater Return on Investment

Benefits are achieved earlier in the development process this manner.
Read more: Agile development, the Waterfall methodology, Agile team members, Agile principles

Best Way to Manage Agile Software Development Projects?

Certainly, there are also several fantastic Agile benefits for both enterprises and customers. Furthermore, if you want to get the benefits of Agile, you must adopt it correctly. UpDiagram features are designed for the Agile team and it is ideal for enterprises to start your Agile transformation journey.

– How do you make that work?

To get started on your Agile transformation journey right away, we recommend utilizing the world’s most popular Agile project management software. Here’s a brief rundown of key UpDiagram capabilities tailored specifically for Agile teams:

Before and after UpDiagram

– Views: To easily adjust to project and team needs, pick from four Work Views: Grid, Kanban, Calendar, and Mind Map. Create a project with several heights and angles.

GridView - UpDiagram

GridView – UpDiagram

– Packages/Sprints: Manage each Sprint as well as the workload of your team. You may even utilize New Packages to design based system for your backlogs.

Manage Sprints and team workload with Packages

Comments: Task-specific talks and collaboration can help to strengthen teamwork.

Project Dashboard
Dashboard: monitor key indicators like velocity, burnup, burndown, and cumulative flow to ensure your projects are on schedule.

Dashboard: Track project indicators for schedule adherence
Permissions: Invite stakeholders to your project environment without jeopardizing their privacy.


Integrations: UpDiagram integrate with Slack to generate and assist you in following, communicating, notifying, and pulling requests from your UpDiagram tasks.

It is Time to Become Agile Manager with UpDiagram

With improved adaptability to faster ROI, the Agile mentality assists teams in avoiding the frequent pitfalls of conventional development.

Thus, if you have software projects with a high level of unpredictability, the Agile operating style can be the appropriate dish for you. With plenty of contemporary functions, UpDiagram makes Agile project management simple.

UpDiagram is an agile software development tool that allows you to solve software development difficulties with agility. Please contact us if you want to learn more about the software, Agile solution and current management practices. Sign up for experience! Now is the time to alter the way you develop and manage projects using UpDiagram!

Reference: | | | University Tartu | | | Gartner | Cornell University

project management concept with gantt chart, business schedule on virtual screen of computer

What is Time Tracking? Benefits and how to use it effectively

For professional project managers, every second(s) of tasks counts in money. So tracking and calculating time is always something they are concerned about. In fact, there are many ways to keep track of time. In the past, they used manual recording methods to keep track of time, in modern times they apply computer science technologies to record time. The trend of using project management tools is increasing, and it is great if a project management software has a time tracking function.


project management concept with gantt chart, business schedule on virtual screen of computer

Time Tracking solution for time calculation

Time is an abstract concept, colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Humans cannot “touch” it, but with the need to know the time, people from ancient times have created many different tools, with the purpose of calculating time: hourglass, using writing paper time,…  

Instrument diagrams are no longer suitable for track time, so with the trend of technology, project managers have launched Time Tracking, as a completely new way to track the flow of time 

It is a kind of computer software function that allows employees to track and record the time it takes to complete a task. This feature is used in many different industries, including freelancers and hourly workers. You can also understand that Time Tracking is like an automatic stopwatch, helping the home. Management and project members are more active in their work. It will record the start time and end time, then give a time, that is the plan the result of the whole recording process (calculated by the end time minus the start time). 

For large, professional projects, a stopwatch will be a useless item. Continue reading the blog to see how Time Tracking will be for project management?

Applying Time Tracking function to project management software Project

Managers always face headaches with time management of small tasks, as well as staff time. But with Time Tracking, everything is optimized: 

  1. Time will be tracked specifically, making work progress not delayed
  2. Each person will have a different “charging source” of time, clearly each employee.

Because of the optimal ability and efficiency that Time Tracking brings, the management software all possesses this function in their group of time functions. Realizing that efficiency and necessity, the UpDiagram development team. A new generation project management tool, has launched the Time Tracking function in each session management tool with that function. 

Management software will optimize the process of calculating the time of your tasks (start – end), this software will give you data such as total, average,. .. the time when performing tasks. The manager will rely on that to calculate the cost for the whole project. In addition, time tracking will integrate with automation technology when used on the tool. Helping to solve work faster, clearer, and more efficiently.

The German proverb says “We need to go with the time, not let the time pass”, this is also the motivation for UpDiagram to develop the Time Tracking function. Users will be able to see the passage of time, helping managers to:

  1. Track details of work completion time
  2. Amount of time worked for employees
  3. It easily costs working time
  4. Create multiple Sessions for complex tasks
  5. Flexible to customize the time


time tracking
The biggest value that Time Tracking brings is the monetary value. Because for a project manager, the time of tasks can be converted into money. For a human resource manager – an employee’s working time is a whole month’s salary… If time don’t track properly accurately as well as reasonable calculation, which can lead to waste for the manager. In addition to Time Tracking, UpDiagram also has a lot of functions to support through the time flow manager such as Due date – for important dates for those tasks, Timeline helps users to clearly see the progress of tasks. … 

It is currently a hot and trending function of project management software. It will not be too difficult to find this function in the management tools. But for the Time Tracking function to resonate with other functions such as Due date, Timeline,… is still quite a few. Contact or book a demo with UpDiagram to learn more about the group of time management functions.

Benefits of transitioning to UpDiagram from Jira

Import projects from Jira

Because of the desire from our users to migrate data from their existing project management platform into others to save their time and effort, UpDiagram has supported users to be able to import project from Jira.


Import your Jira project into UpDiagram 

Only Admin and Member in a Jira project can import project into UpDiagram.

Step 1: Log in to your UpDiagram account. Then, select Add project >>> Import Project.🙌 

Step 2:  select import your Jira project to UpDiagram

Step 3: Input required information to import

After clicking on Jira project, you will be navigate to the page where to input the necessary data. Here you will need to enter data according to the requirements: “your email”, “your Jira Workspace name”, and “your API token”.

How can I get my Jira Workspace name?

Jira Workspace name is the name of your workspace on Jira (you can check in your Jira URL). Ex: your URL is, you should input testing001 in this field.

How can I get API Token?

To get API token, let’s access your Jira account, go to “Account setting”

Then, It show you Atlassian account page. Select “Security “and “Create and Manage API tokens”

API Token

After that, you can create your API token in there.

*Note: you should save these token somewhere in case you may need to reuse them again.

Step 4: After entering the required data, click “Connect”.

Step 5: UpDiagram will display all available projects on Jira and now you just need to select the project you would like to import. 

Step 6: Map user

You are able to map UpDiagram user to user in Jira project (enter email address to link).

Note: only users who are in your Jira project can be mapped with UpDiagram users.

Step 7: Your data will be completely transferred from Jira to UpDiagram. You can input some basic data to make your project on UpDiagram clearer.

It’s that simple, right? With just clicks and clicks, you can integrate Jira easily. Details can found in the video. Good luck with your project input!

If you need more assistance from us, please fill this form and you have any question about this or anything else about this article, feel free to reach out to us at

Abstract photo showing how to manage time at work

How to manage your time to maximize your work

Everyone’s time fund is the same, but it is important how to manage the time. Society is growing, the demand for life is higher and higher, which requires us to have good working skills to be able to adapt to it, making it easy for us to achieve high results in our work and in our relationships other relationships outside society.
 Abstract photo showing how to manage time at work

Photo by Curtis MacNewton on Unsplash


1. Wake up on time

Waking up every morning is the first thing of the day that can waste everyone’s time. Regardless of whether you deliberately slept for a while or accidentally turned off the alarm to wake up late for 30 minutes, getting out of bed at the right time every morning is always a difficult thing to do.


An extremely simple solution for that is to place an alarm out of your reach. This way make you leave the bed and will not return if you want to turn off the alarm.


2. Prepare meals smartly

Breakfast on the table includes salad, cake and coffee

Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash


Everyone is in a hurry every morning because this is the busiest time of the day. People who are on time often plan their own morning from the evening before. Their shoes and keys will be placed near the entrance. Lunch for the next day is carefully packed and coffee is just ready to press.

Some people even prepared clothes for the next day. Careful preparation will help us save a lot of time while helping us get out of the house on time.


3. Complete the job in time

People who do not know how to manage their time often put themselves in a state of what I should do next. In contrast, a smart time-user always plan ahead for what to do and how much time they will spend on each task.


If you answered the question, “How long does it take to do this?”, from the beginning, you’ll find that time management is simple.


4. Create habits for yourself

If you always have to go back to your house because you forgot to charge your phone, buy yourself an extra at the office. If you’re always struggling to find your car key, create a habit of putting it near the door. People know what they need to do to ensure that they are always on time.

5. Take advantage of free time

Most of the latecomers have a fear of waiting for something or have nothing to do. Sitting or waiting for something is likely savage torture to them. Instead of complaining about that, why don’t you use your free time by reading a book or sending the email which can save your work without working in the office?

6. Learn to say no

During the working process, It is essential to define what is important to you. That will help you decide to say “no” easier. In fact, Say “no” is a powerful skill to save your time not to do waste things. If you say Yes too much because you are afraid to make someone disappointed, you will disappoint yourself. Indeed, no one is responsible for your failure but you.
Therefore, you have to learn how to say “no” to move on to more productive tasks, manage your time and avoid wasting time later on.

7. “Backup” time between your work

If you consider the schedule of those who control the time well, you will easily realize they always leave a little extra time between meetings or work. This period is relatively important because no one knows whether any unexpected event will take place.


8. Recognize your most effective working-time.

“People who are good at arranging time know how to allocate strength for each moment of the day,” Morgenstern said. These people know the best time of day for each one.


If you feel your mind is the best in the morning, get it for the hardest work. By setting a schedule to maximize your performance, you won’t be down or wasting time on things that aren’t really relevant.

Improve your time management skill with these tips above will have you to accomplish your goals easily. By the way, it is believed to have more tips that could be contributed by leaving your comments below.
UpDiagram owns a variety of project templates in many fields of work

How to use UpDiagram?

After understanding UpDiagram Jargon, now you can easily start to play with us. This post will show you every single step to create and manage a project.
UpDiagram owns a variety of project templates in many fields of work


Sign up

This is the first step for every first action to start with any web app. Currently, UpDiagram requests to sign up throughout your email or connect with google account.



Create and archive a project

To create a project, you need to specify how your project structure will be to correctly apply the right custom fields.


For example, you need to create a project to manage employees based on their positions. You select Add project and create from scratch. You can then name the project “HR Management”.


Create project from scratch


Besides creating an empty project, you can also select Create from project templates, but this article only guides creating from an empty project.

Then, you create a Package (A package is often referred to as gathering related items/tasks into the same group. A project may have one or more packages if needed). In this case, you can create multiple packages such as Software Engineering, Marketing and Sales, Design and etc for the “HR Management” project. In each Package, there will be many tasks, each of which represents the profile of each employees (for the current case).


In this step, you can create multiple packages at the same time. For the above example, each Package will correspond to a human resource department, and the tasks will correspond to the profile of the staff. Therefore, you can create multiple packages at the same time for this case and can display work packages simultaneously to manage instead of tracking each package.


To select Show all packages, go to “Setting” and “Packages” to manage. Click on the icon as shown in the image to adjust the default Package. You will then have the option to display all packages.

Custom Fields

Next, what to do is to set up the Custom Fields to display and manage the data better. You can explore the detailed settings in our Custome Field comprehensive guide or watch the informative tutorial video of Custome Field.

Archive and Delete

For Projects, the deletion and restoration of the Project is an important element of management. , we provide 2 forms of archiving and deleting Projects.


To delete the project completely, you must “Archive” the project first to ensure you are doing on the right project. In case of a mistake, it is still possible to unarchive.

Once completed, your Project will be moved to the Archive section and you can delete or restore it later.

Custom Fields feature in project management

Custom Fields and How to use it?

Custom Fields (column) which is one of the most important features to help users manage their project effectively, is to add more personal/optional features. In fact, Custom Fields can be considered as the types of the column to help you define the value of each for individual purpose.
 Custom Fields feature in project management


To set up the custom fields, you can access the “Setting” and choose “Custom Fields”. Then, you can play with it on your own.


Interface of adding custom fields to the project in UpDiagram

Moreover, you can customize the field type at the same type. When you create new “Field” (column), you can select the Field Type below. Currently, we support 10 types so that you can diversify your data.


– Text: where you can add simple text for descriptions

– Number: is to add numeral data

– Date: show the specific time of your items/tasks

– Attachments: insert files, image attached

– List: create multiple selections on one column of data (can be customized One or More Choices at the same time)

– Checkbox: quick mark on tasks

– Computation: support calculation based on your formula

– Person: empower/assign tasks to members

– Timeline: show the progress of task, including started date and end date

– Checklists: create detailed tasks of each item

*note: Timeline is the feature to help you keep track and estimate the progress. It is very important to follow up the whole tasks and understand where you are thanks to the timeline. To create the timeline, click on the Custom Fields and choose Fields Types – timeline. Then, you can set up the schedule for each item


Custom Fields
Applying the Golden Rule to Proactively Manage Project Risks

The golden rule when a project risks

Every project, from small to large, involves risks. Negative computer risks when occurring will cause losses, affecting the goals that the project needs to achieve. But don’t worry about risks because grandparents have a saying “in misfortune there is luck”, here are The golden rules you should keep in mind when facing risks in project management.
 Applying the Golden Rule to Proactively Manage Project Risks

Photo by Nick Morrison in Unsplash


1. Calmly learn about the risks faced by the project – The golden rule 


The golden rule: When risk strikes, you may experience a concussion trying to figure out what happened. So, before jumping into action or making any decisions, take some time to gather your thoughts and look at the situation objectively. Let’s assess that risk to see how much it is. Sincere advice is to take a deep breath!


In addition, you should not only focus on threats and possible risks but ignore opportunities that bring unexpected value to your business or customers/partners. And do not plan alone, but ask for the input of all project members about the potential risks and opportunities they think about because maybe they have breakthrough ideas that you omitted.


2. Specific statistics on the risks encountered – The golden rule


The golden rule: It is sincere advice that instead of spending time aggregating risks or causes of risk in traditional ways, we can use tools to summarize risks as well as convenient for members. For example UpDiagram’s Risk Management templates. Propose ideas to deal with that risk. Such statistics will help everyone understand the problem at hand and have a clear plan to deal with the unexpected risk.


3. Handle risks in the most scientific way 


The golden rule: Let’s take a close look and decide what we’re going to do with each risk to best manage them. There are five basic strategies:


  • Avoid it: you can completely ignore a risk if it doesn’t affect the whole project too much.
  • Minimize it: This is a way to make a bad outcome less likely to happen or minimize the project’s impact when it happens.
  • Thorough handling: When those risks deeply impact the project, the best way is to face and solve them, but each with the principle of “slowly but surely”.
  • Transfer it: “Share” the risk with another party, for example, buy insurance to be able to receive protection from the insurer.
  • Accept it: For low-impact and low-potential risks, find a simple, low-cost solution, and if you don’t find the right solution, accept the risk and move on. work as usual.


The Golden Rule for Addressing Risks

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash


Each strategy has its advantages and disadvantages, and you will probably use all four of these strategies. Sometimes it may be necessary to avoid the risk and other times you will want to minimize the risk or either completely dispose of it, transfer it or simply accept it. Let’s see what those terms mean and how to choose the right one to use for each of your business risks.


Controlling and protecting the project from risks is always what professional project managers want to aim for. But life and work cannot avoid negative problems, sometimes it will pull you down, but sometimes it is a springboard to go up. The risks in the project are the same, do not panic, but always remember to stay calm, make statistics, and plan to solve them scientifically.


Contact for assistance. We are with you every step of the way.

Trello & Updiagram

Import project from Trello

This video instructs you on how to Import project from Trello. This feature is also free for all users. UpDiagram will help you.

Import your Trello project into UpDiagram

Only Admin and Member in a Trello project can import project into UpDiagram.

Step 1Log in to your UpDiagram account. Then, select Add project >>> Import Project. 🙌 

Step 2:  select import your Trello project to UpDiagram

Import Trello Step 2

Step 3:  The interface will provide you with general information regarding UpDiagram and Trello. You must choose to Allow for that projects import.

Import Trello Step 3

Step 4: UpDiagram will list all available projects on the platform; all you have to do now is choose the project you want to import.

Import Trello Step 4

Step 5: You need to input some basic data to make your project on UpDiagram clearer (image cover, name, description) and select SAVE.

Import Trello Step 5

Step 6: Map user

Import Trello Step 6

You may connect an UpDiagram user to another user in a Trello project (enter email address to link).
Note: Please keep in mind that only users in your Trello project may be linked to UpDiagram users.

Step 7: Finally, users must confirm the project import.

It’s that simple, right? With just clicks and clicks, you can integrate Trello easily. Details can found in the video. Good luck with your project input!

If you need more assistance from us, please fill this form and you have any question about this or anything else about this article, feel free to reach out to us at

Communication skills, and the secrets to success of companies

Communication skills, and the secrets to success of companies

Among many British proverbs, there is a very beautiful saying about communication: “Communication skills are an important tool. important in the pursuit of your goals, whether with your family, colleagues, or clients”. Indeed, if success is the destination of everything, then communication is the vehicle that helps you reach your destination faster, as well as succeed more easily. Communication is very important everyone has their communication skills, but do you think you have done it well? The following articles are some tips to improve your communication skills.

 Communication skills, and the secrets to success of companies

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

1. Clearly define your own and your opponent’s point of view.


In communication sessions, especially in the corporate environment when every individual has the right to hold and voice that opinion. But if you can’t hold your point of view, don’t understand the point of view of the audience, then you will be deflected from their point of view. Each point of view always needs to be heard and respected, if you do that to the other person, they will do the same to you.


Protect your point of view, avoid personal conflicts. Words are always offensive, if you can’t control your emotions, let unnecessary anger appear, and have direct conflicts, then this communication has no meaning. Therefore, if you want to communicate well, and you want to convey your thoughts and arguments to others, you should clearly define your views and the others involved in the communication.


2. Determining the content of communication


Similar to the point of view of communication, determining the content of the communication is extremely important in conversations. The content of communication will be based on the point of view of communication, but at the same time, the content of communication will be the tool that gives the outcome of the talk. Even if your point of view is good, but the content you say is not true, if the content doesn’t convincing, it will certainly not be understood.


Effective communication content needs to be simple and easy to understand, avoiding lengthy or rambling content. Stick to your point of view, but don’t hurt or provoke the opinions of others. The content of communication with a friendly and cheerful mood will create a good effect for the communication session.


3. Language factors


Good communication content will need appropriate language elements. Depending on the type of content, people need to determine the appropriate words, sentences, etc. You need to practice well how to use tone to suit the situation. Your intonation will determine the attitude of the other person. Speaking softly, faltering, and lacking confidence will make it difficult for you to communicate. You should practice speaking, loudly, and firmly.


For fun conversations with colleagues, just use comfortable words, and create a friendly atmosphere. When going to meet customers, it will be a professional language….


Depending on the type of need, we have different intonation, tone, and vocabulary. Prepare a good amount of vocabulary to be able to create effective communication.

See the language learning route management template!


4. Non-verbal factors


Probably everyone is too familiar with non-verbal elements, it is present in all dialogues and sometimes it doesn’t need to be dialogue, non-verbal elements are shown through many different aspects. However, it is still as important a factor as language.


Importance of Non-Verbal Communication

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash


Practice expressing emotions and things to say through your eyes. Eyes can show many things, such as sympathy, understanding, or even confidence, etc. In addition, the element of clothing also helps you a lot in communication. First, dressing appropriately for the situation will make you more confident in front of others. Then it shows your affection and respect for the object of communication.


5. Using software that allows communication between employees to take place


With the need to “work from home” increasing, colleagues, project teams have difficulty in geography and it affects communication. communicate and exchange information with each other. Therefore, management tools have communication functions such as comments, job descriptions, … as well as the ability to integrate communication software such as Slack, Rocket chat, Zalo, …


This is a type of technique. An essential function in the 4.0 era when communication becomes difficult due to the covid 19 epidemic still exists. When the traditional working environment will gradually change to a digital working environment. UpDiagram will solve and improve communication problems during this pandemic season. Improving communication during the pandemic will be extremely simple when you know UpDiagram.


Read more about the changing working environment!


Communication skills are an important thing that individuals in a company should improve daily. For personal views, you should keep your stance, respect the views of your colleagues, use language as well as body language in a subtle, profound, and clear way. More importantly, the ongoing pandemic is extremely unpredictable, so understanding and improving the usability of software like UpDiagram is also improving communication skills, helping businesses succeed.


For expert advice, leave an email with UpDiagram or contact directly for support. We will be with you every step of the way.