The shift from traditional work environment to digital work environment is taking place gradually.
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#Project management #The digital #Working Enviroment 4 mins read

The digital working environment is gradually replacing the traditional working environment

With the continuous development of the software industry. Tools to support work are increasingly introduce, leading to the formation of a new working environment called “Digital Environment” or understand as a working environment in which we can work more efficiently using technology. To have an overview of the two environments above, the following article will clarify that.
 The shift from traditional work environment to digital work environment is taking place gradually.

Photo by Leon on Unsplash


1. Traditional working environment


According to, “A traditional office is a place where you have to pay monthly rent, usually calculated according to the square footage you require. This type of office space is not gaining popularity. While it is ideal for large and established businesses that want to create a unique and branded office environment, it can be very expensive.”


So the traditional working environment can be roughly understood as a fixed physical space, for example, an office is rented/owned by an enterprise, concentrated with many people belonging to the same organization/enterprise.


Regarding the conditions for the traditional working environment to be considered perfect, it must have an area to accommodate a sufficient number of employees, have adequate facilities, equipment, meeting rooms,… to serve work and promote promotion progress and employee comfort.




– Easily understand the working time of employees.

– Communicate directly when problems arise and solve problems.

– Conveniently convey corporate culture through communication, offline events, meetings…

– Divide work from home and work, create motivation to complete important tasks.

– Build relationships with colleagues.




– Costs can be high when building: traditional offices consume a lot of investment budgets of businesses: space design, office equipment, and tools, space rental costs, monthly living expenses,… If businesses know how to use tools to manage decor, they can save costs.

– Is a working space with many people: The working space is narrow, closed with walls and partitions. The office also limits the mobility of employees because the department’s design is space apart.

– The way to store data is not optimal: By paper, personal computer or intranet,… leading to frequent overload, difficult to find information.


2. Digital working environment


Digital Working Environment (Digital Workplace) is also known as the digital working environment. Like the traditional work environment, here employees and managers will do the same things every day. If the traditional environment is something we can directly “touch”. Then the digital working environment can only be indirectly “touched” through a certain tool.


Today with ever-evolving technology and during the covid pandemic. A digital working environment is the only and essential need. Because it is an online space where every member of the business/organization can interact collaborate, work together regardless of geographical location. The digital workspace is a collection of work tools that help employees connect, collaborate, share, and set up processes to work efficiently.

See more: Top tools that need for work while working from home.


The digital working environment

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash



– Flexibility for employees, when they can receive and do many different things, depending on each job, they will have a specific platform, can work in the office or work remotely but still ensure the work is performed out.

– Save a lot of time, because time will optimize when using management tools like UpDiagram, Excel,… The interface of tools like UpDiagram is very suitable for professional managers because it’s simple and easy to use conveniently for changing or repairing the project. UpDiagram has its timeline and due date, making time management no longer too difficult.

– By promoting business exchanges, they can build knowledge warehouses and share them with employees more easily. Explaining or conveying work will also be easy with the right tools.

– Digital working environments are often cheap, prices are always from cheap to free, like UpDiagram with only $5 for 1 user/month to $1 for 1 user/month.

– Respond to market trends and the era, decade of data, and digital technology.

– There are many different work templates, as well as different management.




– Requirements for teamwork skills and the ability to use the software.

– Depends quite heavily on the internet and the quality of the devices. Failure to do so will slow down the work progress.

– System errors will adversely affect the work being done.


3. Ideal environment – the trend of the times: the combination of digital and traditional working environment


Each environment has its qualities, but if businesses know how to apply both environments together, it will create an ideal environment. An ideal environment requires an ideal tool, and UpDiagram is exactly what an environment should have.


Inheriting the advantages of the two environments and overcoming the unnecessary disadvantages, UpDiagram introduces a lot of features necessary to establish an ideal environment. These functions allow UpDiagram to govern and support the employee’s work process more efficiently, such features as:


1/ Diverse work view modes (Kanban, Grid, Calendar, Mindmap)

2/ Extremely diverse custom fields such as images, text, lists, checkboxes, date, progress, to calculation formulas

3/ Import data from available projects from Trello, Assembla, JiraExcel,…Integrate other applications such as Microsoft team, Slack, Rocket, Zalo,…

4/ Email and In-app notification for project activities

5/ Decentralization, assigning tasks, and managing members

See more UpDiagram’s functions and usage!


An effective working environment is when that environment meets flexibility, high adaptability, promotes work performance including productivity & operational efficiency, creates corporate culture. And at the same time develops. Developing the cohesion of members in the enterprise, building collective strength. If you do not know which tool to choose to combine the digital and traditional working environment, please contact us through our UpDiagram contact page or via, UpDiagram will accompany your business every step of the way.

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