Exploring essential jargon in UpDiagram
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#Jargon #Project management #UpDiagram 1 mins read

Jargon when using UpDiagram

When using UpDiagram, there are some Jargons you need to understand so that you can easily set up your project. This article will show all the Jargon that you may use to for your project or even explain for your member.
 Exploring essential jargon in UpDiagram


Photo by Raphael Schaller on Unsplash


All project when using UpDiagram

All the project you create or are added by others will show on your Home Page.


New project when using UpDiagram

That jargon mean: “Where you can create your project and using”



Where you can see when clicking on the project. In there, you can set the description so that all member can understand the project name, team member, date and more task.



In your project, there will be more packages you need to create. The number of packages is up to the task you need for your project. In each package, you can create more tickets. Each ticket represents one task you need to accomplish.



  • General

In general, you add information for your package such as Avatar, project name, Client, Description


  • Packages

You can Active, Archive and delete your package in there.


  • Team

The team is the team member you can add to the package.


  • Custom Fields

Custom Field, which is one of the most important features to help users manage their project effectively, is to add more personal/optional features.


Also, data types are available to diversify

– Text

– Number

– Date

– Attachments

– List

– Checkbox

– Computation

– Person

– Timeline

– Checklists


  • Custom Views

Define your view page with your purpose. Generally, Custom Views is suitable for Board View.


  • Archived

To activate or archive you Project. To make sure you do not delete the wrong project, You have to archive your project before deleting it.


  • Integration

Data migration from the existing tools to UpDiagram.com is very simple by using import feature and public APIs. This feature is to help you connect with other apps to import data in need.

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