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#Collaboration #Project Management Software #Tips 3 mins read

Collaboration in organization

Collaboration is the process of working together as a team to accomplish mutual goals. There are many definitions about the collaboration but It is all the same meaning when it comes to it. Indeed, the more groups of members work together, the more effective is the work. The collaboration can improve the relationship of members in the organization. That drags to the better working condition and there is no barrier to share and discuss ideas to achieve business benefit at any time. That is the reason collaboration is considered as the vital element of successful project management.


Why it is important?

Collaborating inside or outside the enterprise enhances business efficiency. In particular, internal communication through online tools, video meetings, and many other tools will help increase engagement and employee productivity. With internal communication channels, you will easily find the information you need, receive or transfer to colleagues the feedback and support needed.


The collaboration should be the culture, but not a task

Today, there are many tools to support business collaboration, but they are not immediately effective for businesses that are eager to improve collaboration immediately. To effectively collaborate, businesses need to have a change in internal culture from the awareness of all employees to the transparency in sharing ideas and resources. It is both a process of operating and implementing corporate policies every day.


An effective way to advance business-wide collaboration is to let people become familiar with sharing information in a collaborative platform. First, establishing a simple software such as UpDiagram that allows people to easily store, search and allocate tasks for important information while discussing and sharing documents. You have to step by step build a sense of willingness to share your work, upload documents they are working on, comment on colleagues’ work, or ask others to comment on its work. When simple things like sharing information become habitual and ingrained into the corporate culture, it is easier to build processes for collaboration across the enterprise.


Let’s see what habits can make collaboration become a culture


1. Verbal Communication

Besides the variety and convenience of collaboration tools, verbal communication is the practice to build a relationship between colleagues and the different departments in the organization. Even better, the face to face communication can help both side clearly understand the meaning and can figure out the problem and show the solution faster than doing online.


2. Leading

The good leader is also a factor that affects the team collaboration. If the leader is not supportive and communicative, the transmission of information and strategies is the barrier to prevent the project from the success.


3. Collaboration in every task

Collaboration is not an additional task or an out-of-stream requirement. It needs to be carried out simultaneously with everyday tasks naturally. For example, instead of using too many communication tools, why don’t you focus on one collaboration platform for work, which allows employees to communicate and interact with each other. Also, the managers can support to connect and control the content on the platform to optimize the purpose of the project or company and minimize the negative argument.


4. Balance benefits of business and employees

Generally, the employees have a tendency to concentrate on things that affect themselves than business. That is truth and the manager should know to find out the solution but not underestimate their responsibility in work. Instead, the managers should not focus on the only values ​​and benefits of the company when discussing with employees. Let them know their benefit and value of use during the work and contribution.

5. Empowering your employees

The action that can stagnate the collaboration is to try to monitor everything in the company. The advice for this is to let them work on their own. However, it does not mean your employees can do everything. Give them suggestion, advice and strategy so that they can visualize the direction of their tasks and their promotion as well.


6. Be patient

The collaboration will take a long time and requires the efforts of the entire business. But if everyone believes and works hard, this will definitely succeed. Don’t give up and turn around, because you can only succeed when you connect all your employees. Collaboration is no longer an option but it is a norm.


UpDiagram is the project management tool to minimize the effort of enhancing collaboration in work. We understand that Internal team members and clients work in high collaboration with others via comment, chat and role-based permissions. Therefore, your love apps can be integrated into and data migration from the existing tools to is very simple by using import feature and public APIs. This will be the foundation of building a business with high productivity, modern and constantly developing.

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