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Begin your language learning journey with this template!

Language learning is a long journey. And it is hard if you do not know where to begin with. Why don’t you make a learning roadmap for yourself: determine what basic things you need to learn in a specific period of time and try to complete it.
 a child is reading a book

Photo by Paul Hanaoka in Unspash.


When learning a foreign language, especially those with a completely different alphabet letter, it is extremely hard to grasp the core of it. If you have someone to guide you through it things would somewhat easier but what if you are a self-learner, there are a lot of things and you might get confused. Therefore, it is essential for you to come up with a roadmap, a plan to learn. There are different skills sets in learning a language, there are listening, writing, speaking, reading and definitely a lot for you to learn.


This template can help you with your language learning journey. UpDiagram provides you with an easy to use and keep track template, where you can freely edit and make it your own.


The template divide into 4 main packages including Listening, Writing, Speaking and Reading. We have already provided you with some suggestions for your language learning journey, but it is up to you to delete or add any new, more suitable items for the long road ahead.


– We have the attachment column if you want to add any recorder of yourself speaking or your favorite line in a movie, or just simply a memorable quote for motivation.


– With the utilization of the status column, you can get access to the board view where things will be more general. With that being said, you can see how far you go, what have you done and what things you need to complete.


– The template can also serve as storage, you can put idioms, new vocabularies and grammar as an item so that whenever you sign in UpDiagram, open your template you will see it and it will slowly get into your mind.


– If you are not a self-conscious person, try to put yourself in the discipline by setting out what you think is a possible timeline and then strictly follow it. This, you can also see in the calendar view and check your tasks.


Remember, learning a new language takes a lot of effort and patience. No one is forcing you to master it just in a few months, since it is impossible to do so. Let UpDiagram be a companion in this long and tough journey to foster you toward success. Hence, go check it out and start using it right now.

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