Documentation Background

Customize features

Custom Fields

One of the most important features to help users manage their project effectively, is to add more personal/optional features. Custom Fields can be considered as the types of the column to help you define the value of each for individual purposes.

Custom field

To custom fields in UpDiagram, you follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Start a new project by clicking on “Add Project”, choose “Create from scratch”
  • Step 2: Go to Grid view and create a new package
  • Step 3: Create a new item by clicking on “Add new items”

Note: There are 3 default custom fields (Columns) for new projects. You have to go to Setting and create more Fields

  • Step 4: Go to Setting and choose Custom Fields

Note; You need to define which Custom Fields for your project

  • Step 5: Click on “Add field/column” to add more fields. 

UpDiagram currently supports 11 types: Text, Number, Date, Attachments, List, Checkbox, Computation, Person, Timeline, Checklists, Tracking Time.

Custom Views

Custom Views helps users define what should be shown on your project, support users to set up what should be shown on the project so that users can easily manage their tasks

custom view
  • Step 1: Go to Setting and choose Custom Views
  • Step 2: Set you Field Mapping and click Save
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